Our ultimate goal is to build or purchase a New Masjid, however, there is an immediate need to
upgrade and update ICL to keep up with the growth of the Muslim Community in Livermore. We need more space to cater for the growing congregation for Jumu’ah, a place where we can hold community events (like Halaqah) and classrooms for Sunday School as we are seeing an increase in student enrollment. Thus we are undertaking a renovation project at ICL to better utilize the current space that we have. We target to complete this renovation before Ramadan, Insya Allah.
- Create an additional prayer area to accommodate at least 50 more people
- Build 2 wudu areas
- Turn underutilized space into a useable place for Sunday School and other activities
We are seeking donations from the community to help defray the cost of the renovation. We are
targeting to raise $50,000.
Please donate at iclivermore.org/donate
You can also write a check and drop it into the Masjid Donation Box, or approach any Board members
The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلمsaid, “The most beloved of deeds to Allah are those
that are most consistent, even if it is small”. [Bukhaari and Muslim]